Your Network Info

NetIP is an open-source Windows utility software that provides quick access to your network info.

Tiny & hassle-free.

NetIP is available from the Taskbar.

Copy what you need & move on with your day.


Local & Public IPv4/IPv6

No more googling "What is my IP" or ipconfig.


Instant geolocation with supported IP providers.

Multiple IP Providers

Choose your favorite provider to fetch your IP info from.

Interfaces Management

Toggle on/off any network interface from the popup.

DNS Profile Switcher

Quickly switch between custom DNS profiles.

Dynamic Taskbar Icon

Display your current country flag or current network status.

Free & Open Source

NetIP is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3.

It is, and will always be, free.

You can donate to support its development if you want.

AGPLv3 Logo

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